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How to Write Follow-Up LinkedIn Messages [+Templates]

In the world of professional networking, the follow-up is where the magic happens. It’s the key to turning a causal connection into a meaningful business relationship. Whether you’re following up after a networking event, a conference, a first meeting, or even a job application, the right approach can make all the difference.

We’ll discuss the importance of follow up LinkedIn messages and provide you with actionable tips to craft compelling messages. Plus, we’ll provide you with valuable follow-up message templates for various scenarios, ensuring your follow-ups hit the mark every time.

Why Is It Important to Follow Up on LinkedIn?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of crafting stellar follow up LinkedIn messages, let’s understand why follow-ups are essential in the first place.

Building Stronger Relationships

LinkedIn is not just a place to look for career opportunities; it’s a dynamic platform for nurturing professional relationships. And as you know, in the world of B2B marketing, relationships are the lifeblood of success. Follow up messages on LinkedIn help you transform your connections into meaningful, mutually beneficial partnerships.

Think of it this way: when you meet someone at a networking event or interact with them through a post or message, you’ve taken the first step towards building a relationship. However, it’s the follow-up that solidifies that connection. When you write follow up LinkedIn messages, it actually demonstrates your genuine interest in the other person and their work. 

Staying Top of Mind

In the fast-paced digital world, attention spans are limited, and memory is fleeting. People receive a constant stream of messages and information, making it easy for your initial interaction to be overshadowed or forgotten. This is where effective follow-ups come into play.

Well-timed follow up LinkedIn messages remind your connections of your previous conversations or interactions. It helps you stay top of mind, ensuring that you’re not relegated to the recesses of their memory. And by doing so, you maintain a level of engagement that keeps the relationship warm and active.

Demonstrating Professionalism

Sending thoughtful follow up messages on LinkedIn exhibits your professionalism and commitment to your connections. It shows that you take your online interactions seriously and that you value the time and effort invested by both parties.

Remember, professionalism is very important in B2B marketing, where credibility and trust are paramount. Your follow-up messages reflect your character and dedication to the business relationship. They help leave a lasting impression that can influence future collaborations, partnerships, or even job opportunities.

Capitalizing on Opportunities

It’s no secret that LinkedIn is a treasure trove of opportunities waiting to be uncovered. Whether you’re a B2B marketer seeking potential clients or partners or a job applicant hoping to land your dream position, follow-ups can be the key to unlocking these opportunities.

Luckily, many great opportunities arise from follow-up interactions. Your message might spark a conversation that leads to a lucrative partnership, a promising job interview, or a new client acquisition. On the contrary, when you don’t follow up, you risk leaving these doors closed and miss out on potentially lucrative prospects.

Looking for inspiration to create an effective LinkedIn invitation? Have a look at the Best LinkedIn Invite Message

Fostering Trust and Credibility

Since trust is the currency of business, and credibility is its cornerstone, it is vital to take a proactive approach to build trust and credibility. The good news is that follow-up messages help build trust and boost your credibility. 

Be sure to maintain consistent and meaningful communication with your LinkedIn connections through follow-up messages. This will demonstrate your commitment to your shared interests and goals. Plus, it will encourage your network to consider your recommendations, proposals, or collaborative opportunities seriously.

Leveraging Reciprocity

Reciprocity is a powerful principle in human interaction. When you write follow up LinkedIn messages to your connections, it helps trigger a sense of obligation and reciprocity in them. People are more likely to respond positively to your requests or suggestions if they feel they owe you a response or favor in return.

Your follow-up messages can be an excellent way to tap into this psychological phenomenon. Consider offering assistance, sharing valuable insights, or simply expressing appreciation in your follow-up messages. This will help create a sense of goodwill that can lead to future cooperation.

Staying Updated and Informed

When you follow up with your connections, it’s not just an opportunity to discuss your shared interests — it’s a chance to stay updated and informed about the latest developments in your field.

Follow-up conversations may give you access to valuable information, market intelligence, and innovative ideas that may not be readily available elsewhere. This can give you a competitive edge and help you make informed decisions for your B2B marketing campaigns.

Strengthening Your Personal Brand

Your professional reputation and personal brand are vital assets in B2B marketing. Consistent and meaningful follow-ups can help you cultivate a strong personal brand within your network.

When you constantly interact with your connections and share valuable insights, you position yourself as a thought leader and industry expert. This can lead to partnerships, speaking engagements, or consulting opportunities, all of which can enhance your personal brand and professional standing.

Continue reading or explore our article on writing LinkedIn thank you message

How to Follow Up on LinkedIn?

You have now explored the benefits of follow-up messages. Great. Now, let’s explore how to write follow up LinkedIn messages that generate responses.

1. Timing is Critical

Timing is of the essence when it comes to follow-up messages on LinkedIn. Sending your message promptly after the initial interaction is crucial to keeping the conversation relevant and fresh in the recipient’s mind. 

It is a good idea to send follow up LinkedIn messages within 24 to 48 hours after your initial conversation or meeting. That’s because you’re more likely to receive a response while the memory of your previous interaction is still vivid in the mind of your connections.

However, don’t forget to consider the recipient’s schedule and time zone. Sending messages during business hours and on weekdays tends to be more effective than late at night or on weekends.

2. Personalization is the Key

Personalization is the golden rule of effective follow-up messages. Generic, one-size-fits-all messages are unlikely to make an impact. Instead, always tailor each message to the specific individual and context of your interaction.

For instance, you can reference specific details from your previous conversation or meeting. Or maybe mention shared interests, mutual connections, or any noteworthy insights that were exchanged. A good follow-up LinkedIn message will demonstrate your attentiveness and genuine interest in the recipient, making them more receptive to your message.

Read also: How to Write a Perfect LinkedIn Message

3. Keep it Concise and Relevant

LinkedIn is a professional platform, and your connections are likely busy professionals themselves. As such, you must keep your messages brief and to the point. 

When you write follow up LinkedIn messages, make sure to avoid lengthy paragraphs or overly detailed explanations. Instead, highlight the key purpose of your message early on, and avoid unnecessary filler content. The recipient should be able to grasp the essence of your message quickly.

4. Offer Value

A follow-up message should not be solely about your needs or objectives; it’s an opportunity to provide value to the recipient. Consider how you can contribute to their professional goals or interests.

For example, you can share relevant articles, resources, or insights that align with your previous conversation. Plus, you can offer your assistance or expertise in a way that benefits them. Doing so helps position yourself as a valuable connection, making them more likely to engage with you.

5. Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Every follow-up message should conclude with a clear and actionable next step. Whether it’s scheduling a follow-up call, arranging a meeting, or simply staying in touch, make your intentions clear right away.

Keep in mind that a well-defined call to action not only guides the recipient on what to do next but also streamlines the communication process. It eliminates ambiguity and encourages a more prompt response.

6. Maintain a Professional Tone

Always write a follow up message on LinkedIn that reflects professionalism in both content and tone. Avoid using overly casual language or informal expressions unless it’s appropriate for your specific relationship with the recipient.

What’s more? Proofread your messages for grammar and spelling errors, as mistakes can detract from your professionalism. Plus, maintain a polite and respectful tone throughout the conversation.

Read also: how to write a great subject line for LinkedIn message.

7. Automate Your Follow-Ups

Automating your follow-ups can be a game-changer in optimizing your LinkedIn networking efforts. LinkedIn automation helps streamline and systematize your follow-up process. This not only saves you time but also ensures that you never miss an opportunity to nurture valuable connections. 

The best LinkedIn automation tools let you schedule follow-up messages, set reminders for important engagements, and even personalize your outreach at scale. For example, you can send follow up messages on Linkedin using Octopus CRM. This tool also comes with in-built templates that you can tailor to your audience.

Automate LinkedIn Prospecting with Octopus CRM

LinkedIn Follow-Up Messages Templates

Let’s make things easier for you. We’ve created some message templates for different situations on LinkedIn, like when you meet someone new or after a job application. These templates will help you write follow up messages on LinkedIn that sound friendly and professional.

These templates will also make mass messaging on LinkedIn easier. Be sure to tailor your chosen sample LinkedIn message to your audience for maximum response. 

Follow-up LinkedIn Message After Networking Event

Template 1

Subject: Continuing Our Conversation at [Event Name]

Hey [Name],

It was fantastic meeting you at [Event Name]. I enjoyed our conversation about [Topic], and I’m eager to explore how we can collaborate further. Shall we schedule a call to dive deeper into our mutual interests?

Looking forward to your response!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Building on Our Networking Event Conversation

Hi [Name],

I hope you’ve been having a great week since we met at [Networking Event]. It was a pleasure discussing [Topic] with you. Your insights were truly valuable, and I’m eager to explore how we can collaborate or share ideas in the future.

If you have any upcoming projects or initiatives in mind where we might align our efforts, I’d love to hear more about them. 

Looking forward to the possibilities!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Follow-up LinkedIn Message After Conference

Template 1

Subject: Reflecting on [Conference Name] Insights

Hi [Name],

I hope you’re still riding the wave of inspiration from [Conference Name]. The insights shared there were truly eye-opening. I’d love to discuss how we can implement some of these ideas at [Your Company]. 

Let’s keep the momentum going!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Reflecting on Our Insights from [Conference Name]

Hi [Name],

I hope you’ve had a chance to settle back into your routine after [Conference Name]. It was a pleasure sharing our thoughts on [Key Topic] during the conference. Your perspectives were eye-opening and greatly resonated with me.

I’m excited about the potential for collaboration or knowledge-sharing between our organizations. If you have time, I’d love to schedule a brief call or meeting to delve deeper into how we can mutually benefit from our insights.

Looking forward to continuing our discussion and exploring new opportunities.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Follow-up LinkedIn Message After Meeting Someone for the First Time

Template 1

Subject: Great Meeting You, [Name]

Hi [Name],

Our recent meeting was a pleasure, and I’m excited about the possibilities ahead. I’d love to continue our conversation and explore potential collaborations. 

Looking forward to our continued dialogue!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Enjoyed Our First Meeting, [Name]

Hi [Name],

I wanted to express my appreciation for our recent meeting. It was a pleasure getting to know you and discussing [Topic]. I was genuinely impressed by your insights and ideas.

I believe there’s significant potential for us to collaborate or explore common interests further. If you’re open to it, I’d love to schedule a follow-up call or meeting to explore potential opportunities.

Looking forward to continuing our conversation and building a fruitful connection.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Follow-up LinkedIn Message After Sending Resume

Template 1

Subject: Revisiting My Application

Hi [Name],

I wanted to circle back regarding my application for the [Position] role at [Company]. I am excited about the opportunity and am eager to discuss how my skills align with your team’s needs. Can we schedule a call to delve deeper into this?

Thank you for considering my application!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Revisiting My Application

Hi [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to touch base regarding my recent application for the [Position] role at [Company]. I’m very enthusiastic about the opportunity and remain eager to discuss how my skills and experience align with the needs of [Company].

If there are any additional materials, references, or information you require from me, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’m fully committed to the possibility of contributing to [Company] and am available for any further discussions or interviews.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Follow-up LinkedIn Messages After Application

Template 1

Subject: Following Up on My Application

Hi [Name],

I recently applied for the [Position] role at [Company] and wanted to ensure you received my application. I’m excited to become part of your team. When can we connect for a discussion on how I can be a valuable asset to [Company]?

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Checking In on My Application Status

Hi [Name],

I recently applied for the [Position] role at [Company] and wanted to follow up to ensure that it was received.

I’m genuinely excited about the prospect of joining your team and contributing my skills to [Company]. If there are any updates or additional information needed from my end, please let me know. 

I look forward to any further steps in the selection process.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Follow-up LinkedIn Message After an Interview

Template 1

Subject: Reflecting on Our Interview

Hi [Name],

I wanted to express my gratitude for the opportunity to interview at [Company]. Our discussion left me even more excited about the prospect of joining your team. Is there any additional information or references I can provide to aid in your decision-making process?

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: About Our Interview

Hi [Name],

Our conversation about the [Position] role was incredibly insightful, and I left feeling even more enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team.

I’m eager to provide any additional information or references that might assist in your decision-making process. 

I look forward to any updates regarding the next steps in the interview process.

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Follow-up LinkedIn Message to Client

Template 1

Subject: Enhancing Our Partnership

Hi [Name],

Our partnership has been invaluable, and I’m eager to explore ways we can enhance it further. Let’s set up a meeting to discuss upcoming projects and opportunities for growth. When is a convenient time for you?

Here’s to a prosperous future together!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Strengthening Our Partnership

Hi [Client’s Name],

It’s been a pleasure working with you and your team, and I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for our collaboration so far.

I believe there are more opportunities on the horizon for us to explore and grow together. 

Please let me know when it would be convenient for us to connect and discuss our shared goals and strategies moving forward.

Looking forward to continued success together!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Follow-up LinkedIn Message After No Response

Template 1

Subject: Reconnecting and Rescheduling

Hi [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I understand that schedules can get hectic, and messages may get lost. I’d still love to connect and continue our conversation. When is a good time for you to chat?

Looking forward to reconnecting!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]

Template 2

Subject: Reconnecting and Rescheduling

Hi [Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reconnect and ensure my previous message didn’t slip through the cracks.

Our previous interaction left me genuinely interested in continuing our conversation. I’d love the opportunity to connect and explore potential collaboration or simply catch up.

If now is not the right time, please let me know a more suitable time to chat. Your insights and perspective are valuable to me, and I’d like to keep the dialogue open.

Looking forward to reconnecting!

Best regards, 

[Your Name]


Mastering the art of writing LinkedIn follow-up messages is a great skill for B2B sales professionals. Remember, the key to successful follow-ups is personalization, professionalism, and offering value. Use your favorite follow up LinkedIn message sample as a starting point, but always tailor your messages to the specific context and relationship.

So, start crafting those compelling follow-up messages today, and watch your professional network flourish.
