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LinkedIn InMail Examples and Templates for Better Response Rate

When it comes to LinkedIn InMails it’s one chance to make a stellar first impression on your prospects.

Sure, LinkedIn boasts a vibrant community, but many people haven’t cracked the InMails. It’s a hidden feature with a whopping advantage – response rates soaring from a measly 3% to a promising 18-25% range.

And yes, connection requests with personalized notes are great, but they’re limited by character count. Discover the differences between InMail vs connection request. How much captivating info can you squeeze into that tiny space? 

InMails are the answer; it allow you to craft an engaging message, packed with valuable information and personalized touches that grab attention and spark a reply rates.

But unlike those endless follow-up email chains, LinkedIn InMail is a single shot. No do-overs here. Discover InMail vs email – which is better for outreach?

In this article, we’ll provide you with the best LinkedIn InMail templates and examples so you can start off on the right foot. By the end of this article, you’ll learn how to write an InMail on LinkedIn like a pro. 

What Makes a Good LinkedIn InMail?

Before we jump into the InMail templates that drive better response rates, let’s have a look at the key factors that make a good LinkedIn InMail.

Here’s the thing: generic InMails are like elevator music – forgettable and guaranteed to get ignored. Sure, you might have a catchy sales message, but personalization is the must. Discover the ways to leverage LinkedIn InMail more effectively.

Here’s how to sprinkle it liberally:

  • Ditch the One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Remember that “Dear [Name]” doesn’t cut it anymore. Instead, it is always best to first check out your prospect’s profile. What challenges are they facing? Did they post any recent achievements? Take notes and mention something specific to show that you’ve done your research and want to engage genuinely. There’s no way a generic InMail can convey this level of relevance.
  • You’re Not the Star of the Show: Those 1900+ characters aren’t your hype machine. Sure, it is a good idea to briefly introduce yourself and your company, but don’t take the spotlight. Your message should be about the recipient – their goals, their aspirations, and pain points. An effective linkedin InMail will always show your offering can be the missing puzzle piece in the recipient’s success story.
  • Subject Line Sizzle: Think of the subject line as your InMail’s opening act. Just like a cold email, it sets the stage for the main event (your message). Make sure to write a killer subject line that triggers curiosity and draws attention.
  • Brevity is Beautiful: Yes, InMails offer a generous character limit compared to connection request notes. But this doesn’t mean you should go about writing a wall of text. Keep in mind that decision-makers are busy, so your message should respect their time. Always hone your in-message persuasion skills and deliver impactful, concise points. You want them to say “Wow, straight to the point!” not “Wow, this is a novel!”
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LinkedIn InMail Templates

Have you been struggling to write InMails that generate responses? We’ve all been there. But worry no more because we’ve got you covered with the best pre-written LinkedIn InMail templates to improve reply rate. Plus, we’ll provide you with the top LinkedIn InMail examples to get you started.

Make sure to adapt these LinkedIn InMail message templates to your needs and brand voice. Remember, the best Linkedin InMail templates are the ones that will boost your response rates.

Before proceeding with templates, have a look at InMail best practices that help increase response rates.

LinkedIn InMail Template for Cold Introduction

Subject: Quick Q About [Their Industry/Challenge] (e.g., Subject: Quick Q About Boosting Lead Generation)

Hi [Prospect’s Name],

I just stumbled upon your profile and had to reach out – that whole [Specific Achievement/Project] you did at [Company Name] is seriously impressive.

[Optional: Briefly mention a relatable anecdote or question based on their achievement. E.g., “I’m particularly curious about [aspect of the achievement] because…” ]

At [Your Company], we help businesses like yours [ Briefly Describe Your Value Proposition in a relatable way. E.g., “we help companies like yours turn website visitors into raving fans”].

Maybe there are some tricks we can swap! Would you be up for a quick 15-minute chat next week to see if we can help each other out?


[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Lead Generation

Subject: Enhancing Growth Opportunities for [Recipient’s Company]

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I came across [Recipient’s Company] and was really impressed by the strides you’ve made in [specific industry/field]. Your dedication to innovation resonates with our values at [Your Company].

I believe there’s a chance for us to collaborate. At [Your Company], we specialize in [brief description of your product/service], which has a proven track record of boosting efficiency and revenue for companies like yours.

I’d love to discuss how our solutions could support [Recipient’s Company]’s growth goals. A quick call could help us explore this further. Are you available for a brief conversation? Let me know a time that works for you.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Sales

Subject: Streamlining [Their Pain Point] at [Company Name]? (e.g., Subject: Streamlining Lead Qualification at [Company Name]?)

Hi [Prospect Name],

I noticed you’re the [Prospect’s Job Title] at [Company Name]. Many businesses in your industry struggle with [Prospect’s Pain Point related to Sales].

At [Your Company], we’ve helped companies like yours significantly improve their [Mention Their Pain Point] by [ Briefly Describe Your Solution ]. In fact, we helped [Client Name] achieve a [Quantifiable Result] by [ Briefly Explain How ].

Would you be interested in learning more about how we can help [Company Name] streamline [Their Pain Point]?

I’d be happy to schedule a quick 15-minute call to discuss your specific needs and see if we’re a good fit.


[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template to Offer a Product or Service

Subject: Achieve More [Desired Outcome] with [Your Product/Service] (e.g., Subject: Achieve Higher Customer Retention with [Your Customer Service Software])

Hi [Prospect Name],

I noticed your dedication to [Their Area of Focus] at [Company Name]. Many businesses in your industry struggle with [Specific Pain Point 1] and [Specific Pain Point 2] when it comes to achieving [Their Desired Outcome].

At [Your Company], we offer [Your Product/Service], which specifically tackles these challenges by [ Briefly Describe How Your Product/Service Solves Pain Points].

For instance, [Client Name] used [Your Product/Service] to [Quantifiable Result Related to Pain Point 1] and [Quantifiable Result Related to Pain Point 2], ultimately leading to a significant improvement in [Their Desired Outcome].

Wouldn’t it be great if [Company Name] could achieve similar results with [Their Desired Outcome]? I’d love to learn more about your specific challenges and see if [Your Product/Service] can be a valuable solution.

Would you be open to a quick call to discuss your goals in more detail?


[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Offering a Free Trial

Subject: Unlock the Power of [Your Product/Service] with a Free Trial (e.g., Subject: Unlock the Power of Streamlined Workflows with a Free Trial of [Your Project Management Software])

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

At [Your Company], we understand the challenges of [Briefly Mention a Common Pain Point Related to Your Product/Service]. That’s why we created [Your Product/Service], a powerful tool designed to help businesses like yours [ Briefly Describe How Your Product/Service Solves the Pain Point].

We’re so confident that [Your Product/Service] can make a difference, which is why we’re offering a free trial with no strings attached. This gives you the chance to:

  • Explore all the benefits, features, and functionality of [Your Product/Service].
  • Test drive [Your Product/Service] within your own workflow.
  • Discover how it can help you achieve [Their Desired Outcome] faster and more efficiently.

Would you be interested in claiming your free trial and unlocking the potential of [Your Product/Service]?  It’s a risk-free way to see the value it can bring to your business.

Ready to get started? Simply reply to this message and I’ll guide you on how to activate your trial.


[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Mentioning Product Benefits

Subject: Stop Wasting Time on [Task]! (e.g., Subject: Stop Wasting Time on Data Entry!)

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

Is [Task] a constant drain on your valuable time? Let’s face it, it’s both tedious and eats into hours you could be spending on more strategic initiatives.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to free yourself from the drudgery of [Task]?

At [Your Company], we offer [Your Product], a revolutionary tool designed to automate [Task] for you. Imagine the possibilities – you’ll reclaim precious hours to focus on [Mention Activities That Contribute to Their Goals].

[Optional: Briefly mention a benefit beyond time-saving].

Ready to ditch [Task] for good? We’re offering a free trial of [Your Product] so you can experience the power of automation firsthand.

Let me know if you’re interested in learning more!


[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template to Someone Who’s Using Your Competitor’s Product or Service

Subject: Optimizing Your [Competitor’s Product/Service] Experience? (e.g., Subject: Optimizing Your CRM Experience?)

Hi [Prospect Name],

I noticed you’re using [Competitor’s Product/Service] at [Company Name]. They’re a great company, and it’s clear you prioritize [Area Their Product Addresses] for your business.

At [Your Company], we also offer a powerful solution for [Area Their Product Addresses] – [Your Product/Service]. While we respect [Competitor’s Product/Service], we’ve found that many businesses using it also struggle with [Specific Pain Point Users Often Face with Competitor’s Product].

[Your Product/Service] excels in this area by [Briefly Describe How Your Product Solves the Pain Point].  In fact, we helped a company like yours achieve [Quantifiable Result Related to Pain Point] by leveraging these unique functionalities.

We understand you might be happy with your current setup, but we’re confident [Your Product/Service] can offer additional value and streamline your [Area Their Product Addresses] even further.

Would you be open to a quick conversation to explore how we can potentially complement your existing workflow?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Winning Clients by Admiring their Work

Subject: Inspired by Your Work on [Specific Achievement]! (e.g.,Subject: Inspired by Your Work on Social Media Growth!)

Hi [Prospect Name],

I recently came across your profile and was incredibly impressed by your work on [Specific Achievement/Project] at [Company Name]. Your innovative approach to [What their achievement tackles] is truly inspiring!

At [Your Company], we specialize in [Your Area of Expertise] and we’re passionate about helping businesses like yours achieve even greater success.

We’ve noticed some fantastic results with [Mention a relevant success story or statistic], and I believe there might be ways our expertise could complement your achievements in [Their Area of Focus].

Would you be open to a brief chat sometime next week to see if there’s potential for collaboration?  Perhaps we can learn from each other’s experiences.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template to Show a Case Study

Subject: A Story You Might Relate To: [Case Study Headline] (e.g., Subject: A Story You Might Relate To: How [Similar Company] Boosted Sales by 20%)

Hi [Prospect Name],

I noticed you’re the [Prospect’s Job Title] at [Company Name]. It seems like you’re focused on achieving [Their Desired Outcome], which is something we prioritize at [Your Company] as well.

We recently helped a company in a similar situation to yours, [Similar Company Name], achieve incredible results. Their case study, “[Case Study Headline],” dives into how we helped them [ Briefly Describe How You Helped a Similar Company].

The results speak for themselves: [Mention Key Result from Case Study Related to Their Desired Outcome].

Would you be interested in reading the full case study and exploring how we might be able to replicate similar success for [Company Name]?

I can send it over and schedule a quick call to discuss your specific goals.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Value Proposition

Subject: Unlocking [Their Desired Outcome] with [Your Unique Value Proposition] 

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I recently came across [Company Name]’s website and was impressed with your overall presentation.  However, during a routine performance analysis, we noticed some potential areas for improvement in [Specific Area Related to Your Value Proposition] (e.g., lead generation forms, website loading speed).

At [Your Company], we specialize in [Your Unique Value Proposition] which helps businesses like yours optimize [Specific Area Related to Your Value Proposition] for better results. Our data-driven approach allows us to identify bottlenecks and implement strategies that can significantly impact [Benefit of Improved Area].

We can provide a free analysis and discuss potential solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Are you open to a quick call to explore these insights further?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Collaboration or Partnership

Subject: Let’s Combine Forces to Help [Their Audience]! 

Hi [Prospect Name],

I’ve been following your work at [Company Name] with admiration, especially your commitment to [Their Area of Focus].

At [Your Company], we’re passionate about helping businesses like yours achieve [Their Desired Outcome] through our expertise in [Your Area of Expertise]. We’ve seen fantastic results by [Mention a relevant success story or statistic].

Looking at your impressive work, it sparked an idea! Wouldn’t it be amazing to combine our strengths and offer even greater value to both our audiences?

Would you be open to a quick chat to explore potential collaborations and see if there’s a way we can work together for mutual benefit?

Looking forward to connecting!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Job Seekers

Subject: [Your Relevant Skill] Pro | Eager to Contribute to [Company Name]’s [Specific Goal]

Hi [Hiring Manager Name],

I recently came across the [Job Title] opening at [Company Name] and my experience in [Your Relevant Skill Area] immediately made me think of your team’s focus on [Specific Company Goal from Job Description].

In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I [Brief Accomplishment Related to Job Description]. I’m confident my expertise in [List 2-3 Key Skills] aligns perfectly with the requirements you’ve outlined.

I’d love to learn more about the role and how my skills can contribute to [Company Name]’s success.  

Would you be open to connecting for a quick chat?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Event Invitation

Subject: You’re Invited! [Event Name]: Insights & Networking 

Hi [Recipient Name],

Given your interest in [Their Area of Focus], I wanted to invite you to the [Event Name] on [Date] at [Location] (or virtually!). This event is designed for professionals like you who are passionate about [Event Theme].

Expect [Highlight 1-2 Key Event Attractions, e.g., inspiring keynote speakers, valuable networking opportunities] and gain [List 1 Benefit of Attending, e.g., fresh industry insights].

We’d love to have you join us! Tickets are available at [Link to Event Registration].

Feel free to reply with any questions.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company/Event Organizer]

LinkedIn InMail Template for a Meeting

Subject: [Their Industry/Challenge] Expertise – Briefly at [Your Company] 

Hi [Prospect Name],

I hope you’re having a productive week!

I recently came across your profile and noticed your focus on [Their Industry/Challenge] at [Company Name].  That’s a space we have a lot of experience in at [Your Company].

In fact, we’ve helped similar businesses achieve [Quantifiable Result] through [Briefly Mention Your Solution].

Would you be open to a quick 10-minute call next week to discuss your goals and see if there might be a fit?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template for Scheduling a Phone Call

Subject: [Brief Benefit] Chat About [Their Focus Area]? (e.g., Subject: Boost Sales Efficiency Chat About Your Lead Pipeline?)

Hi [Prospect Name],

I noticed your impressive work on [Their Focus Area] at [Company Name].  At [Your Company], we help businesses like yours achieve [Brief Benefit related to their Focus Area].

Would you be open to a quick 15-minute call next week to discuss some strategies and see if there’s a way we can help?

Feel free to suggest a time that works best for you using my calendar link: [Insert Calendar Link].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template to Mutual Connection

Subject: Connecting Through [Mutual Connection Name]!

Hi [Recipient’s Name],

[Mutual Connection Name] recently mentioned your impressive work on [Their Area of Focus] at [Company Name]. They also spoke highly of your expertise in [Specific Skill].

At [Your Company], we specialize in [Your Area of Expertise] and I was particularly interested in your work on [Specific Project/Achievement related to their area of focus] at [Company Name].

I believe there could be potential for collaboration or shared knowledge between us.  Would you be open to a brief call to explore this further?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template to Show Prospects What You Have in Common

Subject: Intrigued by Your [Shared Interest/Experience] at [Company Name]! 

Hi [Prospect Name],

I recently came across your profile and was particularly impressed by your [Shared Interest/Experience] at [Company Name]. For example, [Mention a specific detail from their profile that resonates with you, e.g., “your recent article on growth hacking strategies”].

At [Your Company], we also share a passion for [Shared Interest] and specialize in helping businesses like yours [ Briefly Describe Your Value Proposition ].

Would you be open to a quick chat next week to explore our common ground and see if there might be potential for collaboration or just a friendly exchange of ideas?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

LinkedIn InMail Template to Follow-up After Inactivity

Subject: Following Up on [Original Subject Line]

Hi [Prospect Name],

Just following up on my previous message from [Date of Previous Message] about [Briefly Mention Topic of Previous Message]. I understand inboxes can get busy, so no worries if you missed it.

I wanted to reconnect because I’m still confident that [Your Company] can offer significant value to [Their Company Name] in terms of [Briefly Mention Your Value Proposition].

Perhaps a quick 10-minute call next week would be a good fit to discuss your specific goals and see if we can be a resource.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

For convenience, we have separated LinkedIn InMail templates for recruiters.

LinkedIn InMail Examples

Want to see real InMails that get responses? Take inspiration from LinkedIn InMail campaign examples. As you will see below, the great LinkedIn InMail examples are not only effective but they also reduce your time to craft a message.

Make sure to tailor these LinkedIn InMail message examples to your target audience and your business needs.

1. InMail Example for Mutual Connection

Subject: Streamlining Your SaaS Launch (Lisa Mentioned You]!)

Hi Thomas,

Lisa from CogniSync mentioned your exciting SaaS launch – congrats! I’m Steve, Customer Success Executive at Brainwave Labs. 

We work with innovative SaaS companies like yours. Pre-launch can be crazy! As you know, between onboarding and ensuring smooth functionality, there’s a lot to manage.

Brainwave Labs offers to streamline your product launch process and ensure a flawless user experience. Would you be open to a quick chat to discuss your launch and see if we can help make it magical?

Best regards,


2. InMail to Offer Product Demo

Subject: Boost SynthiAI’s Sales With Sell Sphere (Quick Demo?)

Hi Maria,

I hope this message finds you well!  My name is Robert and I am a Sales Executive at Sell Sphere.

I am impressed by your work at SynthiAI, particularly your focus on optimizing sales processes.  At Sell Sphere, we develop sales software designed to help innovative companies like yours achieve even greater sales success.

Would you be open to a quick 10-minute demo next week to see how Sell Sphere can empower your sales team at SynthiAI?  It’s a great opportunity to see the software in action and discuss how it can specifically address your needs.

Best regards,


Sell Sphere

3. LinkedIn InMail Example to Reach Out to a Recruiter

Subject: Digital Marketing Pro | Eager to Contribute to Profit Pulse’s Growth

Hi Carol,

I recently came across the Digital Marketing Manager opening at Profit Pulse and my experience in SEO and content marketing immediately made me think of your team’s focus on increasing organic traffic.

In my previous role at Digital Dynamos, I spearheaded a content marketing strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in organic website traffic within a year. I’m confident my expertise in SEO keyword research, content creation, and on-page optimization aligns perfectly with the requirements you’ve outlined.

As a recruiter, I know your time is valuable. However, I’d be grateful for the opportunity to connect briefly to discuss my qualifications and learn more about how I can contribute to Profit Pulse’s continued growth.

Attached is my resume for your review.

Best regards,


4. LinkedIn InMail Example to Request a Meeting

Subject: Procurement Efficiency for ZylaTech (Quick Chat?)

Hi Daniel,

I’m Emily from Streamline Supply, a procurement software company. We help innovative companies like ZylaTech optimize procurement through automating tasks like vendor onboarding and invoice processing. This leads to significant improvements in both cost savings and processing speed.  

In fact, we helped a similar manufacturing company achieve a 20% reduction in procurement costs by streamlining their approval workflows.

Would you be open to a free 15-minute consultation next week to discuss your current procurement challenges and see if Streamline Supply can help ZylaTech achieve similar results?

Best regards,


Streamline Supply

5. LinkedIn InMail Example for Networking and Collaboration

Subject: Growth Hacking at Acme Corp (Coffee Chat?)

Hi Sarah,

Just finished reading your insightful article, “Website Conversion Hacks: Turning Visitors into Customers.” Your point about leveraging social proof to boost trust truly resonated with me.

At Evergreen Technologies, we also prioritize customer acquisition strategies. While we focus on the sustainable energy sector, I believe there could be valuable knowledge exchange across industries.

Interested in a quick coffee chat next week to discuss your growth hacking strategies and explore any potential synergies?



Evergreen Technologies


Level up your LinkedIn game with these InMail message templates! We’ve crafted examples for various situations, from sparking collaborations to rekindling cold connections. 

Remember, personalization is key, so be sure to add to these templates your unique voice and tailor them to each recipient for maximum impact. Now is the time to ditch the generic messages and watch the increasing InMail response rates.

Check the related article on how to get unlimited InMails, this article is for advanced users.
