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How to Become a LinkedIn Influencer

Influencer marketing reigns supreme in the world of social media. But with changing algorithms burying unsponsored content and brands vying for attention, the influencer marketing landscape has changed. This is where LinkedIn influencers truly shine. 

Influencers on LinkedIn are authentic, knowledgeable voices cutting through the noise and captivating a highly coveted demographic: professionals.

So, you’re wondering – how to become a LinkedIn influencer and join their rank of thought leaders. 

Becoming a LinkedIn influencer isn’t some exclusive club with a secret handshake. It’s about dedication, strategy, and providing genuine value to your audience.

Keep reading for everything you want to know about the ways to become a LinkedIn influencer.

Who Are LinkedIn Influencers?

So, who are influencers on LinkedIn and what do they actually do? How do they do LinkedIn influencer marketing? 

LinkedIn influencers are the go-to sources for industry insights, trends, and thought leadership. They’ve used their professional network and content creation skills to establish themself as trusted voices within their niches or industries. 

They attract leads, recruiters, potential clients, and fellow industry enthusiasts, thanks to their influence on the platform. This positions them as valuable assets for both LinkedIn influencer marketing and personal branding.

Unlike influencer marketing on other platforms, LinkedIn influencers don’t promote the latest fashion trend or viral dance. Here, they are B2B champions, using their expertise to connect brands with the right audience. That’s the difference between a LinkedIn influencer and an influencer on other social media platforms.

In practical terms, the top LinkedIn influencers to follow wear a few different hats, depending on their goals and strategies. 

The most important thing that LinkedIn influencer marketing involves is content creation. 

LinkedIn influencers create insightful and thought-provoking posts, articles, videos, and other types of content to increase engagement and expand their follower base. 

Second, they build communities. How? 

These people engage with their audience, fostering a sense of community and professional relationships. They respond to comments, actively participate in groups, and even collaborate with other influencers on the platform to reach an even wider audience. 

Many influencers on LinkedIn also use their authority to do brand advocacy. They partner with trusted and credible brands, promoting their products or services to their followers. They also create sponsored content for brands while ensuring it resonates with their target audience and followers. 

Now that you know what LinkedIn influencers actually do, let’s answer the question: Can you make money as a LinkedIn influencer? 

Yes, you can make money as a LinkedIn influencer! However, it’s important to understand that, unlike other social media platforms, financial gain isn’t the primary motive of most LinkedIn influencers. 

Instead, their focus is to establish themselves as thought leaders, build a strong professional network, and ultimately propel their careers forward.

That being said, there are several ways to leverage your influencer status for financial gain.

  • A brand might approach you to create a sponsored post promoting their product or service in return for a fixed fee or commission on sales.
  • Your established influence can be a powerful lead-generation tool. Businesses may approach you to generate leads for them and get compensation in return.
  • Your influencer status can open doors to lucrative opportunities like consulting gigs and paid speaking engagements.
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Who Can Become a LinkedIn Influencer?

The beauty of becoming a LinkedIn influencer lies in its diversity. 

Unlike most social media platforms where aesthetics and popularity are the way to go, LinkedIn welcomes professionals from all walks of life and industries. The key to becoming an influencer here isn’t about having a certain number of followers or glamorous pictures or videos.

Instead, it’s about identifying your niche and consistently providing valuable professional content that resonates with and helps you reach the audience.

Here’s a breakdown of who can thrive as a LinkedIn influencer:

  1. Industry Experts: Seasoned professionals with a wealth of experience and knowledge in their field or industry. They can leverage their expertise to share insights, best practices, and even debunk industry myths.
  1. Entrepreneurs and Business Owners: These individuals can become influencers by sharing their entrepreneurial journey, business tips, and lessons learned. This way, they can become an authority for aspiring entrepreneurs and potential customers.
  1. Recruiters and Talent Acquisition Specialists: If you can provide insights on career development, interviews, and industry trends, you can gain an influencer status over time. 
  1. Marketing and Sales Professionals: Do you have a background in sales or marketing? Share helpful marketing strategies, social selling tactics, and industry trends to position yourself as a valuable resource for newbie marketers and salespeople.
  1. Content Creators and Writers: If you have a knack for crafting compelling content, LinkedIn is a fantastic platform to showcase your skills and build a following. Share your writing expertise, discuss content marketing strategies, and offer valuable tips for aspiring content creators.

And finally, how many followers on LinkedIn to be an influencer? Or how many connections on LinkedIn to be an influencer? 

Well, there isn’t a huge number of followers or connections that automatically qualifies you as a LinkedIn influencer. However, most experts agree that if you have 10,000 followers or connections on LinkedIn, most people will see you as an influencer.  

Tips to Become a LinkedIn Influencer

The journey to becoming a LinkedIn influencer requires dedication, strategic planning, and a commitment to providing genuine value. 

Here’s a LinkedIn influencer roadmap:

1. Define Your Goal

For starters, why do you want to become a LinkedIn influencer? What do you hope to achieve? 

Do you want to attract new clients for your business? Perhaps you want to solidify your reputation as a thought leader within your industry. 

Having clear goals in mind acts as a compass, directing your content strategy and helping you identify your ideal audience. 

For instance, if you’re a marketing manager, your goal as an influencer might be to attract B2B clients for brands in your niche.  

2. Find Your Niche or Industry

Next, you must choose a niche or industry you want to target, you can choose from the LinkedIn industry list

A good niche or industry will be your springboard, helping you achieve an influencer status pretty quickly.

Pick a field where your knowledge and experience shine. This could be anything from social media marketing to human resources management or even the intricacies of international trade law.

Remember, the key is not to be a generalist. People crave specific knowledge and insights. 

Choose a well-defined niche and you’ll soon establish yourself as a trusted resource for a targeted audience.

3. Optimize and Polish Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital storefront on this professional platform. This helps you make a first impression, so ensure it showcases your expertise and accomplishments in a clear and captivating way. Discover the ways to improve your profile on LinkedIn.

  • Professional Headshot: Use a high-quality headshot that portrays you in a professional light as your profile picture. 
  • Compelling Headline: Go beyond your job title and write a headline that showcases your expertise and value proposition.
  • Experience Section: Describe your work experience in detail and highlight your achievements and quantifiable results wherever possible.
  • Skills & Endorsements: List your relevant skills and encourage connections to endorse them.
  • Summary Section: This is your chance to tell your professional story. Briefly explain who you are, what you do, and the value you offer to your network.

4. Expand Your Reach

A successful LinkedIn influencer thrives on connections, so make sure to actively expand your network. 

Using Octopus CRM LinkedIn automation tool to connect with relevant professionals within your niche and beyond. Engage with their content, participate in discussions, and offer valuable insights where appropriate.

Plus, you can explore LinkedIn groups related to your industry because these are fantastic platforms for exchanging ideas and fostering connections with like-minded professionals.

5. Develop a Content Strategy

Creating high-quality content consistently is the lifeblood of any influencer strategy. 

Your content strategy on LinkedIn will be a roadmap for you, guiding your content creation process and ensuring consistency. 

To create a content strategy, first identify the content themes that resonate with your niche and target audience. This could be industry trends, best practices, career advice, or even case studies showcasing your expertise.

To ensure consistency, it is a good idea to create a content calendar. This will help you plan your posts in advance. 

Also, consider publishing at least 2-3 times a week to keep your target audience engaged and establish yourself as a reliable source of information.

Remember, variety is key. Don’t just stick to long-form articles or short posts. Instead, use different formats like infographics, videos, and even LinkedIn Live for interactive sessions. Every piece of content you create should offer insights and value to your audience. 

While organic growth is key, you may want to tap into LinkedIn influencer ads to amplify your reach and target a specific audience within your niche.

6. Engage With Your Audience

Creating great content is only half the battle. The other half is engaging and building relationships with your audience. 

Here are some tips to boost engagement rate on LinkedIn:

  • Ask questions: Encourage discussion by posing thought-provoking questions at the end of your posts.
  • Respond to comments: Reply to comments and participate in discussions.
  • Network with other influencers: Connect with established LinkedIn influencers in your space to amplify your reach and credibility. However, avoid shallow connection requests. Engage with their content, participate in discussions, and offer genuine value before reaching out for collaboration.

When you become an influential content creator on the platform and spark engagement, you may qualify for a LinkedIn influencer badge, such as a LinkedIn Top Voice badge or Expertise Badge. 

7. Get Help from a LinkedIn Influencer Agency

While not essential, there are agencies that specialize in helping professionals build their LinkedIn influencer status. However, conduct thorough research before choosing a LinkedIn influencer agency to ensure their approach aligns with your goals and budget.


Now that you know how to become a LinkedIn influencer, it’s time to take action! Optimize your profile, brainstorm content ideas, and start engaging with your network. Remember, the journey to becoming a LinkedIn influencer is an ongoing process. 

When you provide value and build meaningful connections, you’ll be well on your way to establishing yourself as a trusted voice in your field. Or who knows, you may qualify for the official LinkedIn Influencer program. 
