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LinkedIn Collaborative Articles: What Is It and How to Use?

LinkedIn has unveiled an amazing feature called collaborative articles. Using this innovative feature, professionals can now join forces to create content brimming with value. 

But what is the LinkedIn collaborative articles feature in essence? And how can you use it? 

Keep reading to find out everything about collaborative articles on LinkedIn.

What Are Collaborative Articles on LinkedIn?

Collaborative articles on LinkedIn allow you to team up with industry experts to co-create insightful content. That’s the essence of LinkedIn collaborative articles. 

But how does the process work?

It all starts with the LinkedIn system using artificial intelligence (AI) to generate thought-provoking prompts, questions, or conversation starters on trending topics. 

LinkedIn then identifies qualified professionals based on their skills, experience, and subject matter expertise, inviting them to contribute their expertise to those articles. The final product is a comprehensive and multifaceted exploration of the topic at hand, enriched by the perspectives of many different specialists.

The beauty of collaborative articles is that community members can engage with them, upvoting or marking something as ‘insightful.’ This way, readers can highlight particularly valuable perspectives, making it easier for everyone to find the most helpful information.

When you participate in collaborative articles on LinkedIn, it helps you build your personal brand. These articles are typically initiated by LinkedIn, and contributors are selected based on their relevance and expertise in the subject matter.

How to Find Collaborative Articles on LinkedIn

Curious where to find LinkedIn collaborative articles? Want to view and learn from those pieces brimming with diverse insights from industry experts? 

The easiest way to find collaborative articles on LinkedIn is through the LinkedIn Pulse page where the platform lists these insightful pieces. 

Simply head over to https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/topics/home and you’ll get instant access to LinkedIn’s collaborative articles. 

Next, click on any article of your interest and read it. And guess what, if you see the button “Add your perspective” on an article, it means you’re qualified to contribute to that article. 

The best part is that LinkedIn organizes the articles according to industry and niches, such as Marketing, Healthcare, HR, AI, etc. This makes it easier to find articles related to your industry and interests.

Another way to find collaborative articles is to keep a tab on your LinkedIn feed and notifications. From time to time, you may come across articles relevant to your interests and skills in your feed.

Here are more ways to stay updated on the latest collaborative article opportunities:

  • Use advanced search: LinkedIn’s advanced search function allows you to specifically look for collaborative articles. Simply type relevant skill keywords or specific “how-to” questions into the search bar. This will lead you directly to the Skills Pages and collaborative articles that address your questions.
  • Engage with existing articles: Leave insightful comments and engage with the existing collaborative articles to increase your chances of seeing more collaborative articles, thanks to the LinkedIn algorithm. 

How to Use LinkedIn Collaborative Articles

How to contribute to collaborative articles on LinkedIn? Well, once you’ve found a relevant collaborative article, contributing is straightforward. 

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Click “Add your perspective” (if available): Scroll to a section within the article that aligns with your expertise. Most articles will have prompts or specific questions guiding your contribution. Click the designated button, typically labeled “Add your perspective,” to begin crafting your input. However, the add your perspective button may not be available to everyone. 
  2. Share your insights: Next, provide valuable and concise information that builds upon the existing discussion. Aim for a minimum of 200 characters to ensure your contribution is impactful.
  3. Proofread and publish: Double-check your writing for clarity and accuracy before submitting your contribution. Once satisfied, click “Add” to share your expertise with the LinkedIn community.

The good news is that most people get LinkedIn collaborative articles invitation via email and notifications within the platform. LinkedIn sends these invitations based on your expertise, skills, and industry. When you get an invitation, do not hesitate to add your voice to the articles.

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The Benefits of LinkedIn Collaborative Articles

Contributing to collaborative articles on LinkedIn comes with a range of benefits for you:

First off, it helps establish you as a thought leader. For example, when you add your insights and perspectives to an article, it showcases your knowledge and positions you as an authority within your field.

Next, it can help build or boost your personal and professional brand. LinkedIn will display your name and profile alongside your contribution, drawing more people to your profile. This, in turn, helps expand your reach and network, ultimately boosting your brand visibility. 

These articles also present you with an opportunity to network with industry peers. When you team up with other experts, it helps foster valuable connections and opens the door to potential collaborations. And who knows, it can even help you generate leads since you’re teaming up with experts, many of whom might be decision-makers within their organizations.

Active participation can even help you get the coveted LinkedIn collaborative articles badge. This badge signifies your expertise on your profile, further enhancing your credibility. 

For instance, if you continuously contribute to collaborative articles on digital marketing, you may earn the LinkedIn collaborative articles top voice badge for digital marketing. 

Also, it has been observed that collaborative articles tend to rank higher in LinkedIn searches. What this means is that you can use this feature to promote your profile, thought leadership, and brand through increased visibility. 


LinkedIn collaborative articles present an opportunity for B2B marketers, recruiters, industry experts, and general LinkedIn users to elevate their professional brand. It helps establish you as a thought leader, expand your network, and drive valuable connections. 

Just follow the steps explained above to find and add your perspectives, thoughts, and insights to collaborative articles. In doing so, ensure that the articles are relevant to your professional background, expertise, industry, and interests. 

So, the next time you see a collaborative article on your feed, don’t hesitate to join the conversation and share your thoughts with the world! 
