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20 Best LinkedIn Ad Examples with High Engagement

LinkedIn is the go-to platform for B2B marketers, offering a wealth of opportunities to connect with professionals, generate leads, and build brand awareness. However, creating LinkedIn ads that truly engage your audience can be challenging. 

To help you navigate this landscape, we’ve compiled 20 of the best LinkedIn ads examples that have garnered high engagement. We’ll also provide you with insights into various ad formats, showcasing the best LinkedIn ads 2024 to inspire your next campaign.

LinkedIn Video Ads Examples

LinkedIn video ads are powerful tools for capturing attention and conveying your message quickly. 

Here are two of the best LinkedIn ad examples in the video ads category:

HubSpot’s Video Ad

HubSpot’s Video Ad

HubSpot uses video ads to promote the HubSpot CRM. Their content is always relevant, engaging, and designed to drive viewers to their website for more information.

Salesforce’s Video Ad

Salesforce’s Video Ad

Salesforce uses LinkedIn video ads to create narratives that resonate with potential clients. 

These videos highlight how Salesforce solutions have transformed businesses, encouraging viewers to consider similar outcomes for their companies. Plus, they showcase Salesforce as an innovative company that quickly adapts to new technologies like AI.

LinkedIn Conversation Ads Examples

Conversation ads offer an interactive experience, making your outreach feel more personal and creating more engagement to justify your LinkedIn advertising costs

Consider these best LinkedIn ads examples:

FixDex Conversation Ad

FixDex Conversation Ad

FixDex uses conversation ads to promote its events, such as the FixDex Analytical Summit. This approach makes users feel valued and understood, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Informa Conversation Ad

Informa Conversation Ad

Informa leverages LinkedIn conversation ads to sell its HR courses. This targeted approach allows them to directly engage with potential customers interested in upskilling their workforce and personalize the course offerings.

LinkedIn Carousel Ads Examples

The carousel ads feature on LinkedIn is a great way to showcase multiple images or videos in a single ad, perfect for storytelling or highlighting product features.

Check out these top LinkedIn ad examples:

Adobe’s Carousel Ad

Adobe’s Carousel Ad

Adobe uses LinkedIn carousel ads to showcase its company culture and talent with the ultimate goal of attracting new, top talent to join the company. 

Apple Carousel Ad

Apple Carousel Ad

Apple promotes its MacBook using LinkedIn carousel ads that showcase multiple key features and benefits in a single, swipeable format. 

Each card highlights different aspects, such as cost, performance, design, and innovative technology, drawing its target audience with concise, visually appealing content. This approach helps Apple effectively communicate the MacBook’s value proposition to a targeted B2B audience.

LinkedIn Display Ads Examples

Display ads appear on the side or top of LinkedIn pages, grabbing attention without disrupting the user experience.

Have a look at these examples of LinkedIn display ads:

Display Ad by Sony

Display Ad by Sony

The LinkedIn display ads by Sony feature eye-catching visuals and concise messaging placed strategically on LinkedIn. These powerful ads are targeted at professionals and businesses on the platform. This approach enhances the visibility of the product and drives traffic to Sony’s website through the Discover More CTA.

WIPRO Display Ad

WIPRO Display Ad

Wipro targets IT decision-makers using LinkedIn display ads with laser focus. Their ads reach high-level professionals on the platform, promoting Wipro’s services to the exact audience they need. This strategic use of LinkedIn ads helps Wipro connect with key clients.

LinkedIn Single Image Ads Examples

Single-image ads are straightforward yet powerful, often used to drive traffic to a landing page or generate leads.

Have a look at the following best B2B LinkedIn ads for inspiration. 

Microsoft Single Image Ad

Microsoft Single Image Ad

Microsoft uses LinkedIn single-image display ads with compelling imagery and concise messaging to create awareness about its local data centers across different regions and countries. These ads are targeted at organizations and governments, showcasing the benefits of Microsoft’s local data centers.

Slack’s Single-Image Ad

Slack’s Single-Image Ad

Slack’s single-image LinkedIn ads are clean and focused, encouraging viewers to learn more about their communication platform. A clear call to action like “Learn More” compels viewers to explore how Slack can improve their team collaboration and workflow.

LinkedIn Document Ads Examples

Document ads allow you to share downloadable content directly within the LinkedIn feed. These are the best LinkedIn ads for lead generation in fact. 

Deloitte’s Industry Reports

Deloitte’s Industry Reports

Deloitte shares in-depth industry reports via LinkedIn document ads.

These informative resources provide valuable insights to potential clients, establishing Deloitte as a thought leader in their field. In exchange for access to the reports, LinkedIn users provide their contact information, allowing Deloitte to nurture leads.

GRIN’s Document Ads

GRIN’s Document Ads

GRIN uses LinkedIn document ads to promote its influencer marketing platform. They often advertise informative content on influencer marketing. The above ad promotes the strategies and effectiveness of influencer marketing. Plus, it has a strong call to action Unlock Full Document. When someone clicks on it, they’re asked for their email address in exchange for full access.  

LinkedIn Text Ads Examples

Text ads are small, text-only ads that generally appear on the side or top of LinkedIn pages, perfect for concise messages.

Upwork Text Ad

Upwork Text Ad

Upwork’s short and impactful LinkedIn text ads grab attention. Their tagline “Tap into proven talent” perfectly fits the target audience’s need for a growing team. And “In-demand talent, on-demand” is catchy – it’ll stick with the viewer, especially if they see another ad later.

Slack Text Ad

Slack Text Ad

Slack’s concise LinkedIn text ads highlight how its platform can improve workplace communication. CTAs like “Collaborate in Slack” pique interest, compelling viewers seeking solutions to click through.

LinkedIn Message Ads Examples

Message ads are direct messages sent to LinkedIn users, offering a more personalized touch.

Billtrust Message Ad

Billtrust Message Ad

Billtrust targets finance professionals on LinkedIn with personalized message ads. They offer a free ebook with valuable insights (e.g., KPIs, Days to Pay Index) in exchange for contact information.

Bind Media’s LinkedIn Message Ad

Bind Media’s LinkedIn Message Ad

Bind Media uses LinkedIn message ads for personalized outreach. They target ideal clients with a friendly intro and showcase their expertise and passion. They also offer free demos with valuable takeaways via their LinkedIn ads. 

LinkedIn InMail Ads Examples

InMail ads are similar to message ads but often used for more formal outreach, such as recruitment or business proposals.

Florida International University’s LinkedIn InMail Ad

Florida International University found success using InMail to connect with prospective students. Their straightforward approach increased enrollments in a short period! This highlights the positive outcome without the negative phrasing about gimmicky templates.

LinkedIn InMail Ad by Informa

LinkedIn InMail Ad by Informa

Informa leverages Sponsored InMail on LinkedIn to target HR professionals. The message ad copy features relevant headlines like “Advance Your HR Career” to grab attention. These personalized messages promote specialized training courses in areas like project management and finance, upskilling early and mid-career professionals.

LinkedIn Dynamic Ads Examples

Dynamic ads are personalized ads that can feature the user’s photo or profile details, creating a more customized experience.

FixDex Dynamic Ad

FixDex Dynamic Ad

FixDex uses Dynamic Ads on LinkedIn to keep its target audience on top of the latest industry news and insights. These ads dynamically pull in user data (e.g., profile picture and name) to draw attention.

GoldenPhase Dynamic Ad

GoldenPhase Dynamic Ad

Golden Phases uses LinkedIn Dynamic Ads to increase its page followers. The ad uses terms like industry news, latest jobs, and opportunities to have the viewer click the Follow button.

LinkedIn Spotlight Ads Examples

Spotlight ads focus on driving traffic to a landing page, using a combination of personalized images and text.

Here are two top performing LinkedIn ads examples in this category. 

Hilton Honors Spotlight Ad

Hilton Honors Spotlight Ad

Hilton Honors’ LinkedIn Spotlight Ads are personalized with the viewer’s image and name. These captivating ads with a clear call to action like “Learn More” and terms like Points and Exclusive Experiences entice professionals planning work trips.

Omnicom Media Group Spotlight Ad

Omnicom Media Group Spotlight Ad

Omnicom Media Group leverages LinkedIn Spotlight Ads to grab the attention of top talent in the advertising and marketing industry. These high-impact, visual cum text ads showcase exciting career opportunities. 

LinkedIn Thought Leader Ads Examples

Thought leader ads highlight content from industry experts, positioning your brand as a leader in your field.

Check out the following best performing LinkedIn ads promoting thought leadership.

Impactable Thought Leader Ad

Impactable Thought Leader Ad

Impactable promotes thought leadership content through LinkedIn Thought Leader Ads. These ads boost organic posts from industry experts on their personal profiles, reaching a targeted audience on LinkedIn while maintaining an authentic feel.

Thought Leader Ad by Getuplead

Though Leader Ad by Getuplead

Getuplead leverages LinkedIn Thought Leader Ads strategically. They identify company employees with industry expertise and promote their insightful content. This extends the reach of valuable content beyond the company page, fostering brand credibility and thought leadership.

LinkedIn Lead Generation Ads Examples

Lead generation ads are designed to capture user information directly within the LinkedIn platform, streamlining the lead generation process.

Here are two examples of the best B2B LinkedIn ads for lead generation

WeWork Ad

WeWork Ad

WeWork creates these targeted ads to capture user information directly on LinkedIn, minimizing friction. This allows potential customers interested in flexible workspaces to easily submit their details for follow-up from WeWork.

Amazon AWS Lead Generation Ad

Amazon AWS Lead Generation Ad

Amazon AWS targets IT decision-makers on LinkedIn with Lead Gen Ads These ads allow users to express interest directly within LinkedIn, capturing valuable leads for AWS cloud computing services.

LinkedIn Follower Ads Examples

Follower ads are designed to increase your company’s LinkedIn followers, expanding your reach and audience.

Have a look at the following examples of good LinkedIn ads to increase your followers. 

RUNITY LinkedIn Follower Ad

RUNITY LinkedIn Follower Ad

RUNITY uses Follower Ads to boost the follower base of its company page on LinkedIn. These non-intrusive ads build brand awareness, attracting potential users to their LinkedIn page for further engagement.

TechCore LinkedIn Follower Ad

TechCore LinkedIn Follower Ad

TechCore’s LinkedIn Follower Ads target businesses that want to improve their tech infrastructure. These ads help build brand awareness and encourage relevant professionals to follow their LinkedIn page.

LinkedIn Recruitment Ads Examples

Recruitment ads are tailored to attract potential job candidates, showcasing your company’s culture and opportunities.

Igloo Software Recruitment Ad

Igloo Software Recruitment Ad

Igloo Software uses targeted LinkedIn recruitment ads to attract qualified candidates for their open positions. The ad content showcases Igloo’s company culture and employee testimonials highlighting a positive work environment. 

ClickUp Hiring Ad

ClickUp Hiring Ad

ClickUp targets professionals on LinkedIn with recruitment ads to have candidates apply for their open positions. The ad content showcases ClickUp’s team spirit, besides briefly laying out the traits of the potential hire. 

LinkedIn Job Ads Examples

Job ads specifically promote open positions, targeting professionals who are actively seeking new opportunities.

H&R Block LinkedIn Job Ad

H&R Block LinkedIn Job Ad

H&R Block leverages LinkedIn Job Ads to actively find qualified professionals for their open positions. This also allows interested candidates to apply directly through the platform, simplifying the application process for both SAP and potential employees.

Amazon Job Ad on LinkedIn

Amazon Job Ad on LinkedIn

Amazon has long been using LinkedIn job ads to attract and hire talent. These ads help the company find professionals with specific skills relevant to their open positions across various industries.

LinkedIn Brand Awareness Ads Examples

Brand awareness ads are designed to increase recognition and recall of your brand among your target audience.

Salesforce Brand Awareness Ad

Salesforce Brand Awareness Ad

Salesforce targets professionals on LinkedIn with captivating ad creatives showcasing their CRM solutions. These ads highlight how Salesforce empowers businesses and simplifies customer relationship management. 

Oracle Brand Awareness Ad

Oracle Brand Awareness Ad

Oracle leverages LinkedIn Ads for targeted brand awareness campaigns. Their ads reach professionals across various industries, showcasing the company’s diverse cloud solutions and expertise.

LinkedIn Webinar Ads Examples

Webinar ads promote online events, encouraging users to register and participate.

Canva Webinar Ad

Canva Webinar Ad

Canva uses LinkedIn Webinar Ads to target busy marketing professionals and design enthusiasts. These ads promote free webinars specifically focused on maximizing Canva’s mobile app functionalities. 

CorelDRAW’s LinkedIn Webinar Ad

CorelDRAW’s LinkedIn Webinar Ad

CorelDRAW’s LinkedIn Webinar Ads target marketing and design professionals. These ads promote free webinars specifically tailored to using CorelDRAW for their creative needs. 

LinkedIn Sponsored Ads Examples

Sponsored ads are promoted posts that appear in the LinkedIn feed, increasing visibility and engagement.

SurveyMonkey Sponsored Ad

SurveyMonkey Sponsored Ad

SurveyMonkey’s Sponsored Content Ads on LinkedIn to promote their downloadable guide on creating case studies. The ad features a compelling headline and a clear call to action like “Download” and “Read the Report.” 

Apple Sponsored Content Ad

Apple Sponsored Content Ad

Apple leverages LinkedIn Sponsored Ads to boost both job recruitment success and create awareness about career opportunities. 

LinkedIn Paid Ads Examples

Paid ads encompass all types of promoted content on LinkedIn, from sponsored posts to display ads.

JetBlue Airways

JetBlue Airways

JetBlue uses ads on LinkedIn to reach busy professionals and business travelers, offering discounts on traveling within the US. This value proposition could convince them to choose JetBlue for their next work trip.

Automate LinkedIn Prospecting with Octopus CRM


Creating engaging LinkedIn ads requires a strategic approach and a deep understanding of your audience. Use the above LinkedIn ad examples as inspiration to develop campaigns that resonate with your target market and achieve your marketing goals. 

Whether you’re focusing on lead generation, brand awareness, or recruitment, LinkedIn offers a variety of ad formats to suit your needs. 
