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How to Add Pronouns to LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn rolled out a new feature to show its commitment to inclusivity. The platform lets users add and display their preferred pronouns to their connections.

Below we’ll discuss LinkedIn pronouns and why you should add them to your profile. Further in the blog, we’ll reveal the steps to adding your preferred pronouns

Let’s dive in: 

What Are LinkedIn Pronouns?

LinkedIn Pronouns is an inclusive feature introduced by the platform to promote diversity. It builds a safe community by encouraging individuals to use others’ preferred pronouns.

Currently, the different pronouns you can add on LinkedIn include:

  • He/Him
  • They/Them
  • She/Her

In addition, LinkedIn allows users to choose one or two options. For instance, you people who prefer “he/they” can add “he/him” and “they/them” pronouns.

Personalize Your LinkedIn Profile with Your Pronouns

Now let’s explore why you should add pronouns to your profile:

Promote Inclusivity

Adding your preferred pronouns allows you to personalize your LinkedIn profile. It also sends a powerful message that you value inclusion and diversity!

Avoid Negative Impressions

Research shows that 70% of individuals believe recruiters must know their preferred pronouns. In addition, 72% of employers agreed it’s essential to have clarity.

Thus, by encouraging users to add pronouns, you can avoid unintentionally misgendering others.

Create a Safe Environment 

Taking the first step to add LinkedIn pronouns normalizes sharing preferred pronouns. You can inspire others to do the same, which builds an understanding environment.

Besides, it encourages recruiters and employers to check preferred pronouns before reaching out. It is a very useful feature for networking on LinkedIn.

How to Add Pronouns to Your LinkedIn Profile Using a Web Browser?

Add your preferred pronouns on the LinkedIn web browser by following these steps:

Log in to LinkedIn 

Open LinkedIn and in a new web browser. Next, add your username and password to open your LinkedIn profile.  

Navigate the “View My Profile” Button


Locate the downward arrow below the “Me” option in the upper-right corner of your browser. Select the “View My Profile” button present on the drop-down menu.

Select Your Preferred Pronouns


Click the pen icon or “Edit” button in the bottom-right corner. Scroll down to the “Pronouns” option and select Please select to trigger the drop-down menu.


You can now choose your preferred pronouns from the following options:

  • She/Her
  • He/Him
  • They/Them
  • Custom

Confirm Your Option

Under the “Visible to” button, choose one of the following:

  • Your Connections
  • Your Network
  • All LinkedIn Members

After that, hit the “Save” option at the bottom of the browser.

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How to Add Pronouns to Your LinkedIn Profile on the Android App?

If you prefer using LinkedIn on your mobile, follow these steps to add  pronouns:

Launch the LinkedIn App

Tap on the LinkedIn mobile app. Log into your current account using your username and password.

Select the “View My Profile” Button

Navigate the “Me” button in the upper-left corner of your Android. Next, select the “View My Profile” option from the drop-down menu.

Choose Your Preferred Pronouns

Click the “Edit” icon to locate the “Pronouns” button to add the predetermined or custom-written pronouns. LinkedIn pre-determined pronouns are based on your profile description, title, and job responsibilities. 

Save Your Changes

Tap the “Save” button to confirm your changes.

How to Add Pronouns to Your LinkedIn Profile on the iPhone App?

There isn’t much difference in adding pronouns using the LinkedIn iOS app. Follow these simple tips to do the job:

Open the LinkedIn App

Launch the LinkedIn iPhone app. Open your profile by adding the required credentials.

Tap Your Profile Picture

On the upper left corner of your profile picture, click the “View My Profile” button on the drop-down menu.

Define Your Preferred Pronouns

Locate the “Edit” icon and select the “Pronouns” button. You can either select the pre-written pronouns or create one yourself. 

Confirm Your Changes

Save your preferred pronouns by tapping the “Confirm” button.


We hope now you know how to add your preferred pronouns on LinkedIn. This feature is a step to a better LinkedIn profile and it helps to boost meaningful conversations. Pronouns let recruiters and colleagues address you the correct way. 

As a result, you’ll promote a safer, more inclusive online community.
